What Makes Your Morning? A Blogger Linkup
If you are a blogger, blog hops are a great way to meet other bloggers. I haven't participated in a blog hop for quite some time, but found this one that's hosted by an awesome blogger, Lisa Cash Hanson, who blogs at Momprenur Mogul. She provides tips on how to grow your readership, make money through blogging and has even written a blogging resource book!
You can join me in this blog hop by using the below link. Rules for the blog hop may be found here.
Happy Hopping!
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Elena White is the founder and editor of Life The Green Way, corporate sustainability coordinator at her day job, and a "rurban" wife and mother. Learn more about her here and follow her on Twitter at @Lifethegreenway.
Happy Hopping!
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Elena White is the founder and editor of Life The Green Way, corporate sustainability coordinator at her day job, and a "rurban" wife and mother. Learn more about her here and follow her on Twitter at @Lifethegreenway.
Thanks so much for "making my morning" - you REALY did! I had no idea I was featured since I did not have a chance to check my regular blog hops this weekend due to the blogathon!
You left a comment wondering whether you should consider moving to WordPress in the future. I started out on blogspot - was ther for a year and a half before making the move - and have been on WP for over a year now. I loved blogger while I was there but ultimately moved because of growing concerns I could not ignore and problems I was experiencing and lack of blogger/google support. WordPress is awesome - you can do so much more - but it can be a big transition too. My best advice is if you are seriously considering making a move, research it well so that you do it right and do it sooner than later (the larger your blog - the more complex the move).
You are welcome to write me anytime if you wish to discuss it further! :-)
Create With Joy
Thank you very much for your feedback on my Blogger vs. Wordpress dilemma. I may be contacting you soon to discuss further!
According to a lot of people Rio 20 did not achieve anything except political grandstanding. No agreements, no way forward, and some key nations did not even turn up. Sure it creates a focal point for issues and gets awareness out there, and nations will proceed as they are, some championing these causes, some not. As far as I am aware a global consensus is non-existant. Can't wait until the next one when they all sit down to talk about what needs to happen, and the next, and the next. I think the whole approach may be wrong. A and B should simply be combined to say a 'Sustainable Global Economy' and definitions around it should include a 'transition' to a renewable energy global economy and maintenence of ecosystem function at a level to sustain human survial and wellbeing. Maybe it would make us look after it better (ecosystems), and we then accept significant loss of biodiversity in the interim, which will happen, as will the consequences of climate change play out..Accept and adapt as I challenge anyone to honestly say we can now do anything on a global scale about stopping what is going to happen. If you are looking for careers in renewable energy or indeed the environment sector then visit www.envirocruit.com a truly great resource for jobs around the globe which is regularly updated with new jobs on a daily basis from leading employers in renewable energy.